Kayla Rud, BS

Megan Benoy, MS, CGC

Navigating a Case of Mixed Dyslipidemia: Counseling Considerations and A Rare Find

  • Examine the genetic etiology of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and hypertriglyceridemia (HTG).
  • Summarize the pathophysiology and phenotypic spectrum of hypertriglyceridemia (HTG).
  • Illustrate the importance of panel testing for patients with mixed dyslipidemia.


Elijah Hall, BS

Heather Motiff, MS, CGC

Counseling Considerations and Cascade Testing in a Family with Hereditary Cancer

  • Illustrate a unique case of cascade testing in the setting of oncology.
  • Identify the indications and management recommendations within a family with a history of hereditary cancer.
  • Examine family dynamics and considerations for cascade testing in families.
Session date: 
02/19/2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm CST
WI 53705
United States
  • 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 ANCC Contact Hours
  • 1.00 CDR CPEUs
  • 1.00 NSGC Category 1 CEU Contact Hours
  • 1.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    • 1.00 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

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Discloser List CME Internal Report
Kayla Rud, BS (grad student)
Megan Benoy, MS, CGC
Elijah Hall, BS (grad student)
Heather Motiff, MS, CGC