Dr. Liu has established a regional, national and international reputation as a leader in point-of-care ultrasound. At Yale School of Medicine, she creates curricular initiatives using bedside ultrasound to integrate and strengthen medical students’ basic science knowledge, physical examination and clinical reasoning skills throughout their preclinical years. She solidifies this training in clinical years by directing the popular emergency ultrasound elective which includes students, residents and fellows of multiple specialties. These efforts led to her appointment as the YSM Director of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education. In 2015, she was awarded both the Charles W. Bohmfalk Teaching Prize and the Yale University Rosenkranz Award for Pedagogical Innovation, and in 2018 she was recognized by the graduating class with the Frances Gilman Blake Award. Her work continues to earn the respect of the YSM community as she was awarded the Alvan Feinstein Award for clinical teaching in 2020. She assumed the role of Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Director in 2018. In 2019, she was appointed an Associate Educator for YSM’s Teaching and Learning Center to establish faculty development programs in point-of-care ultrasound concurrent with efforts at the student level.
Her national and international reputation as an educational innovator is most visible through her work designing competitions for both residents and students using gamification techniques that deliver just-in-time teaching to large groups of learners. She co-originated the SonoSlam® medical student competition at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), prompting ideological change regarding ultrasound integration into medical student curriculum across the country. She injects new plots and game ideas into each annual SonoGames®, which brings half of all emergency medicine residencies together to compete. The impact of these strategies is apparent, as she has been asked by organizations from Turkey, Australia, Denmark, France, Ireland and Kenya to help them create similar events. Additionally, she has helped develop both bedside ultrasound training and Emergency Medicine teaching in resource-poor countries where neither entity formally exist. She assisted program growth in Chile for three years and formed educational partnerships with the ultrasound communities in Kenya, Egypt, Australia, Ireland and Indonesia.
Dr. Liu has held all premiere leadership roles available within major emergency medicine and point-of-care ultrasound organizations, including service as Chair of the Emergency Ultrasound Section at the American College of Emergency Physicians, President of the Academy of Emergency Ultrasound at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, and President of the Society of Clinical Ultrasound Fellowships. These positions have placed her at the head of advancements in point-of-care ultrasound industry. She has positioned YSM and YNHH as pioneers in implementation of emerging technologies within both educational and clinical arenas, and set national policies regarding responsible integration of these technologies. Her article, “What’s the Deal with Pocket Ultrasound?” was among the top 5 most read articles of 2019 by ACEP membership. Additionally, she was appointed by the American Board of Emergency Medicine to the inaugural committee tasked with creating the first American Board of Medical Specialties Focused Practice Designation examination for Advanced Emergency Ultrasound. Her work will continue to shape the future directions of the field.
- 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME
- 1.00 ACPE Contact Hours - Pharmacist
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
- 1.00 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™