Medical Education Day 2021 Virtual Conference
To register for the conference:
- Log in with your account and go to
- From the list:
- Check the box next to "Medical Education Day 2021 Virtual Conference"
- Check the box next to the concurrent session you will attend for "10:15-11:15 Concurrent Workshops and Oral Presentations," 11:45-12:30 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS," and "1:00-2:00 Concurrent Workshops and Oral Presentations."
- Click ENROLL
- Once you are enrolled, go to to complete evaluations and claim your attendance/credit
We are excited to announce that the annual Medical Education Day will return this year as a fully virtual event. This event is free and open to all University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH) faculty and staff, and will feature professional development opportunities, and engaging workshop and oral presentation sessions that highlight education initiatives and innovations. Please mark your calendar and share the invitation to ensure that all interested faculty and staff are able to join.
The program date is Thursday, May 27, 2021 (virtual conference).
This activity is intended for state-wide faculty and staff who teach in undergraduate medical education. Attendees also include clinical faculty who teach residents and fellows, in addition to physicians, physician assistants, physical therapists, faculty from population health sciences and genetic counseling, and other interested health care professionals.
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Utilize effective teaching and learning best practices
- Network with colleagues who teach at UWSMPH and across the state of Wisconsin
- Discuss current and planned UWSMPH initiatives, programs and innovations
This continuing education (CE) activity has been designed to change learner competence and focuses on the American Board of Medical Specialties areas of practice-based learning and improvement, and interpersonal and communication skills, in addition to the interprofessional competency of communication.
Dean's Teaching & Mentor Award Winners: Teaching & Mentor Award 2021 Bios - FINAL.pdf
8:30 – 10:00 am | PLENARY SESSION Presentation of Dean’s Teaching Awards and Dean's Award for Excellence in Medical Student Research Mentorship KEYNOTE: Strategies for Effective Learning - Recommendations from Cognitive Science |
10:00 – 10:15 am | BREAK |
10:15 – 11:15 am | CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS and ORAL PRESENTATIONS Implementation of Learning Strategies: Retrieval and Spaced Practice, Cynthia Nebel, PhD In this hands-on workshop, we will experience the powerful effects of retrieval and spaced practice through demonstrations and in-depth discussion. Participants will learn about when and how to use the strategies and will leave with a plan of action allowing for immediate implantation. Objectives:
Navigating the Winding Two-lane Highway: Tips to Improve the Giving and Receiving of Trainee Feedback, Jason Stephenson, MD; Jonathan Swanson, MD After a brief period of written reflection, participants will use the small group format to discuss their individual strengths, weaknesses, and apprehensions with regard to providing feedback to trainees. Dr. Swanson will lead a brief didactic session during which he will explain best practices of feedback delivery. Participants will review case vignettes presented in both written and recorded format. In small groups, each participant will identify and discuss areas for improvement in the feedback delivery of vignette characters. Small group discussions will be followed by a large group debrief. After a brief period of written reflection, participants will use the small group format to discuss their individual strengths, weaknesses, and apprehensions in the gathering of feedback from trainees. Dr. Stephenson will lead a brief didactic session in which he will explain best practices in the solicitation of feedback. Participants will review case vignettes presented in both written and recorded format. In small groups, each participant will identify and discuss areas for improvement in the feedback solicitation of vignette characters. Small group discussions will be followed by a large group debrief. Objectives:
Integrating Effective Teaching Strategies into the Clinical Environment, Susan Wenker, PT, PhD; Julia Lubsen, MD Teaching and learning are ineffective without student-centered objectives and goals. This session will discuss creative and thoughtful ways to engage students in clinical teaching interventions. Instructors will facilitate discussions to identify strategies to determine students' readiness to learn, develop student-centered objectives and assessment methods that align with learning interventions. Session instructors will present multiple examples demonstrating how clinical educators can integrate evidence-based, student-centered teaching strategies into clinical teaching environments. Active learning strategies will include self-reflection, pair-and-share in small groups, and other tools such as large sticky notes and white boards to explore clinical teaching. Objectives:
Future of Medical Education and Implications for Faculty Development, Deborah Simpson, PhD; Jacob Bidwell, MD; Theresa Frederick; Kjersti Knox, MD; Mark Robinson, DO; Tricia La Fratta, MBA The future of medicine is now. Current first year medical students will be transitioning to residency training in 2023 and begin completing training in 2026. As medical educators, we seek to prepare physicians who are ready for independent, unsupervised practice in the later part of this decade. What will that future look like? What will be the roles and responsibilities of medical educators in the 2nd decade of the 21st Century? What can we do now to begin preparing our faculty to support these role transitions? This session will review recent work outlining the roles of physicians and medical educators. Then in small, facilitated discussion groups, participants will explore what we as faculty can be doing today to upskill our growth as educators while retaining our core values and identify as teachers and learners with brief report outs. Objectives:
ORAL PRESENTATION SESSION #1: Teaching and Learning Innovations, Moderator: Will Aughenbaugh, MD Personal Sustainability Practice - Integrating Practical Wellness Content into the Preclinical Curriculum of Medical School, Katie Yang, MS Empowering Physicians as Allies and Agitators - Experiences with a Longitudinal Social Justice Curriculum for Pediatric Residents, Emily Ruedinger, MD Advocacy Training in UW-Madison's Pediatric Residency Program, Megan Yanny, MD A Remote Radiology Summer Research Mentoring Program for Medical Students, Andrew Ross, MD, MPH ORAL PRESENTATION SESSION #2: Teaching and Learning Innovations, Moderator: Jamie Hess, MD Patient Safety Assignment Evaluation Using an Entrustable Professional Activity Rubric, Marcus Chacon, MD Integration of the Senior Medical Student Ophthalmology Clerkship and the Ambulatory Acting Internship, Jennifer Larson, MD Across the Mediverse - Innovations in Inter-specialty Case-based Learning, Alexis Eastman, MD Emergency Medical Services Elective for Senior Medical Students, Emily Fleming, MD |
11:15 – 11:45 am | BREAK |
11:45 am – 12:30 pm | CONCURRENT ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS - An Opportunity to Network and Collaborate with Colleagues (the roundtable discussions are not eligible for continuing education credits) Beyond Career Mentoring: Nurturing Personal Development Through Caring and Compassion to Promote Flourishing, Elizabeth Petty, MD Come share your ideas, experiences, and perspectives on how we can help our learners feel more fully nurtured and authentically cared for through the development of affirming and compassionate advising, coaching, and mentoring relationships. Work-Life Juggling, Jamie Hess, MD Come join us for an informal discussion about tips and tricks to attempt to juggle responsibilities at work and home. Approaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Across the Medical Education Continuum, Jacob Bidwell, MD Come join us for an informal discussion to explore strategies to create sustainable culture change toward a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive (JEDI) interdisciplinary clinical learning environment across the medical education spectrum from UME to GME to CME. Teaching in the New Normal: What Pandemic Teaching Strategies Worked and How Can We Use Them Moving Forward, Meghan Cotter, PhD Join an informal session to discuss the lessons that instructors learned about teaching health science students during the pandemic and what you would like to carry forward into your post-pandemic teaching. Tackling Health Care Inequities in Partnership with Communities, Gloria Sarto, MD, PhD We will discuss factors that play a key role in improving health education and health outcomes for some of our poorest, most disadvantaged populations through authentic partnership with communities. Toward a Phase 3 Advocacy Practicum, Stephen Bagwell; Mark Beamsley, MD; Parvathy Pillai, MD, MPH Join us to use lessons learned from the recent sun-setting of the Phase 2 Health Advocacy Projects to address a currently unmet advocacy competency and provide longitudinal continuity across all three phases. Let's Talk Turkey About Getting Started with Educational Scholarship, Anne Stahr, MS; Sarah Jung, PhD; Benjamin Schnapp, MD, MEd Have you been wondering how you can translate your teaching activities into educational scholarship but not sure where to start - then come and join this discussion. Simulation Opportunities for Medical Students, Shannon DiMarco, MSHS, CHSOS; Ryan Thompson, MD Join us for a discussion on hot topics in simulation and how to maximize opportunities for medical students. What Are Five Fabulous Ways to Track Your Teaching for Promotion and Development, Anne Stahr, MS; Laura Zakowski, MD; Amy Zelenski, PhD; Deborah Simpson, PhD We invite you to participate in a discussion about tracking your teaching and any related scholarship activities. Keeping track is crucial for both promotion and in your development as a faculty member. Concepts for discussion include: types and methods for storing artifacts and organizing frameworks; barriers and successes; and reflection for development. Academic Technology Post-Pandemic, Kristin Simon The COVID-19 pandemic completely transformed the ways in which we use technology for teaching at UWSMPH. Throughout the discussion, we will consider what will stay and what will go post-pandemic. Impacts of Reduced MD Student Differentiation, Dave Bernhard; Brian Nunez Looking forward to robust conversation on how the UW MD program might best meet the AAMC MSPE requirement, and residency program director interest, of differentiating between graduating students as Step 1 will soon join the ForWard curriculum in Pass/Fail grading. |
12:30 – 1:00 pm | BREAK |
1:00 – 2:00 pm | CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS and ORAL PRESENTATIONS What is the "Right" Way? Challenges and Strategies in Teaching Skills for Critical Conversations with Patients, Sara Johnson, MD; Jessica Baker, MD The importance of healthcare professionals' abilities to communicate with patients and their families effectively and with empathy, particularly in difficult conversations is crucial and gaining more national attention at all levels of medical education. Medical training programs continue to develop curricula to impart these important skills; however, teaching communication is challenging due to the inherent complexity and unique factors for each learner, teacher, and clinical scenario. Communication curricula based on best practices include cultivating an effective learning environment, elements of deliberate practice, and high-level feedback. In this workshop, after a brief review of the above, we will inspect example curricula and strategies to overcome these challenges based on our experiences in teaching communication to a variety of learners at both UGME, GME, and faculty levels. The teaching strategies of this session will be virtual and consist of 1) discussions on challenges and teaching skills to navigate them; 2) role-play as learners and teachers in communication education scenarios; 3) brief didactic portions on background, example stories, current literature, and additional resources; and 4) reflection on opportunities and plans for implementing skills in future teaching. Objectives:
Cutting Edge Approaches to Career Development and Academic Promotion, Marcia Slattery, MD; Barbara Anderson, MS; Julie Martinelli Faculty will explore approaches using a continuing education on-line platform [UW Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP)] as a mechanism for professional career development and academic promotion. Participants will learn how ICEP can be used to 1) deepen knowledge base; 2) network and collaborate with colleagues; 3) model how to develop and conduct professional presentations using an array of live and on-line platforms; and 4) disseminate expert knowledge in areas of excellence to targeted local, regional, national, and international audiences. Objectives:
CBL 101: How to Create and Facilitate Effective Case-based Learning Experiences, Beth Altschafl, PhD; Amy Stickford Becker, MA Case-based learning (CBL) is a staple of health professions education at the UWSMPH. Engaging students in problem-solving around a case provides an opportunity to apply knowledge and supports long-term transfer and retention of learning. This interactive workshop provides an opportunity to explore case-based learning in the curriculum. Attendees will participate in a "hot pepper" case-based activity from a learner perspective (don't worry - no hot pepper expertise or taste-testing is required). During the session, participants will explore best practices for designing and facilitating case-based learning and brainstorm ways to incorporate effective CBL into their own teaching. Objectives:
ORAL PRESENTATION SESSION #3: Education Research, Moderator: Kelly Herold, MD Association Between Internal Medicine Residency Applicant Characteristics and Performance on ACGME Milestones During Intern Year, Blair Golden, MD, MS Exploring the Characteristics of Students Intending to Work in Medically Underserved Areas, Jeff Hartman, PT, DPT, MPH Interprofessional Career Trends Post International Clinical Education in Belize, Julia Schlosser, BS, SPT Understanding Medical Students' Experiences, Interests, and Confidence in Teaching - A University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Analysis, Leah Cha, BA; Mallory Jasicki, MPH; Lydia Buzzard, BS ORAL PRESENTATION SESSION #4: Teaching and Learning Innovations, Moderator: Elaine Pelley, MD The Suspension Bridge Model to Balance Content Volume, Learning Efficiency, and Cognitive Load, Jason Stephenson, MD Can You Escape? Designing and Evaluating a Medical Student Surgical Escape Room, Dawn Elfenbein, MD, MPH, FACS Development and Evaluation of an Online, Interprofessional Ethics Course to Deliver Continuing Medical Education, Susan Wenker, PT, PhD; Jeanne Duncan, PT, DPT Just 10 Questions Can Evaluate Your Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment, Tricia La Fratta, MBA |
2:30 – 3:30pm | PHASE 2 & 3 MEETING |
Virtual posters are available for viewing - once you are registered, click "BEGIN" to view the posters |
This is a virtual conference (central time). Please see the program for further information.
It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) to identify, mitigate and disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies* held by the speakers/presenters, authors, planners, and other persons who may influence content of this accredited continuing education (CE). In addition, speakers, presenters and authors must disclose any planned discussion of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation. For this accredited continuing education activity all relevant financial relationships have been mitigated and detailed disclosures are listed below.
Beth Altschafl, PhD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Barbara Anderson, MS | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Will Aughenbaugh, MD | Moderator | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jessica Baker, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jacob Bidwell, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Lydia Buzzard, BS | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Leah Cha, BA | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Marcus Chacon, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Shobhina Chheda, MD | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jeanne Duncan, PT, DPT | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Alexis Eastman, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Dawn Elfenbein, MD, MPH | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Emily Fleming, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Theresa Frederick | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Blair Golden, MD, MS | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jeff Hartman, PT, DPT, MPH | Presenter | Fulbright Association (Contractor) | No |
Jamie Hess, MD | Moderator | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | Yes |
Mallory Jasicki, MPH | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Sara Johnson, MD | Presenter | Vital Talk (Contractor) | No |
Kjersti Knox, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Tricia La Fratta, MBA | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jennifer Larson, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Julia Lubsen, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Julie Martinelli | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Cathy Means | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Cynthia Nebel, PhD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Michelle Ostmoe | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Elaine Pelley, MD | Moderator | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Sarah Peterson | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Mark Robinson, DO | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Andrew Ross, MD, MPH | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Emily Ruedinger, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Julia Schlosser, BS, SPT | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Christie Seibert, MD | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Deborah Simpson, PhD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Marcia Slattery, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jason Stephenson, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Anne Stahr | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Amy Stickford Becker, MA | Planner, Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Jonathan Swanson, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Elizabeth Tuschen | Planner | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Susan Wenker, PT, PhD | Planner, Presenter | Board of Directors for APTA Academy of Geriatrics (Fiduciary Officer) | No |
Katie Yang, MS | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
Megan Yanny, MD | Presenter | No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose | No |
*Ineligible companies are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by, or on, patients. The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical services directly to patients to be commercial interests.
Accreditation Statement
In support of improving patient care, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. | |
Credit Designation Statements | |
American Medical Association (AMA) The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP designates this live activity for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. | |
American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 3 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation. | |
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP, as a member of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), authorizes this program for .3 CEUs or 3 hours. |
Available Credit
- 3.00 AAPA Category 1 CME
- 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 3.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
There is no fee to register for this event for UW Faculty and Staff. To register for the conference:
- Log in with your account and go to
- From the list:
- Check the box next to "Medical Education Day 2021 Virtual Conference"
- Check the box next to the concurrent session you will attend for "10:15-11:15 Concurrent Workshops and Oral Presentations," 11:45-12:30 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS," and "1:00-2:00 Concurrent Workshops and Oral Presentations."
- Click ENROLL
- Once you are enrolled, go to to complete evaluations and claim your attendance/credit
The evaluation and credit claiming process will become available on the day of the event.
If you have questions about registration or this learning portal, contact UW-Madison ICEP: [email protected]
Required Hardware/software
Computer, tablet, or smartphone with audio sharing capabilities.