47th Annual University of Wisconsin Sports Medicine Symposium

Madison, WI US
May 30, 2025



Friday, May 30, 2025

Symposium Format

The format for the symposium is in-person (there will be no live streaming and no post-symposium recordings).


Madison Area Technical College-Truax Main Campus
1701 Wright Street
Madison, Wisconsin

Provided by

UW Health Sports Medicine 
University of Wisconsin-Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP)

Symposium Overview

The purpose of this symposium is to provide the latest information on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of athletic-related medical conditions and musculoskeletal injuries. The content is based on comments from past participants as well as faculty and clinical staff’s perception of current trends and issues in sports medicine. The symposium will focus on practical and clinically relevant information for participants to use in their daily practice. New in 2025 will be a Strength and Conditioning section. The intent is to bridge the gap between the medical diagnosis and treatment, and return to play.

Early Bird Registration Fees

(for registration on or before April 30, 2025); to receive the early bird fee, USE COUPON CODE SMEARLY25 at checkout).
  • $225 Physicians, Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $100 Undergraduate Students

Registration Fees 

(for registration after April 30, 2025):
  • $250 Physicians, Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $125 Undergraduate Students      

The fee includes the cost of tuition, conference completion report, and a nonrefundable processing fee of $50.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to help@icep.wisc.edu. Cancellation requests received at least 96 hours prior to the symposium will allow a full refund except for the nonrefundable processing fee of $50. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 96 hours prior to the activity start date.

Intended Audience

This activity is intended for team physicians, primary care physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, and other health professionals who provide care for athletic and active populations.

Elements of Competence

This continuing education (CE) activity has been designed to change learner competence and focuses on the following competencies:

American Board of Medical Specialties

  • Patient care and procedural skills
  • Medical knowledge
  • Interpersonal and communication skills


  • Communication
  • Values and ethics

Global Learning Objectives

As a result of participation in this symposium, members of the healthcare team will be able to:

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of a concussion in athletes and outline the steps for initial assessment
  • Discuss effective strategies for improving bone mineral density
  • Compare the outcomes of conservative management versus surgical intervention for hip dysplasia
  • Outline functional strength exercises and sport-specific movement drills aimed at facilitating an athlete's return to their sport

For Further Information

Please contact Laura Moyer at lmoyer@uwhealth.org.


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 7.50 ABS Accredited CME
  • 7.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 7.50 BOC Category A CEUs
  • 7.50 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    • 7.50 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Registration opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/30/2025 - 7:30am CDT
Event ends: 
05/30/2025 - 3:15pm CDT


Track 1: Transforming Clinical Practice-Rehab

Track 2: Research and Emerging Trends in Sports Medicine

Track 3: Strength and Conditioning

7:30-8:00 AM
Registration and Breakfast
7:30-8:00 AM
Registration and Breakfast
7:30-8:00 AM
Registration and Breakfast
8:00-8:05 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT
8:00-8:05 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT
8:00-8:05 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT
8:05-8:15 AM
SKD AT Award Presentation
8:05-8:15 AM
SKD AT Award Presentation
8:05-8:15 AM
SKD AT Award Presentation
8:20-8:50 AM
Session 1: Navigating Concussions in Neurodivergent Patients - Considering Functional Neurological Disorders
Joseph Tupta, PT, OCS
8:20-8:50 AM
Session 1: Health Benefits of a Nature Rx for Athletes and Patients
M. Alison Brooks, MD, MPH
8:20-8:50 AM
Session 1: Youth Athlete Development
David Knight, MA, LAT, USAW, TPI
8:55-9:55 AM
Session 2: Interactive Workshop on Concussion Rehabilitation Techniques
Gary Diny, PT
Robert Hofschulte, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS, CSCS
Jamie Palmer, PT, DPT, ATC, OCS, SCS, CSCS
8:55-9:25 AM
Session 2: Cutting-Edge Findings in Concussion Studies
Tim McGuine, PhD, ATC
8:55-9:55 AM
Session 2: High School Strength Training: Program Design
David Knight, MA, LAT, USAW, TPI
9:55-10:05 AM
9:30-10:00 AM
Session 3: From Pressure to Performance - NIL's Mental Health Implication (including Q/A)
David Bernhardt, MD
9:55-10:05 AM
10:05-10:15 AM
10:05-10:15 AM
10:05-10:15 AM
10:20-10:50 AM
Session 3: From Injury to Recovery - Collaborative Care in High School Sports: Waunakee High School
Elizabeth Frick, DPT, PT
Matthew Uftring, LAT
10:20-10:50 AM
Session 4: Inclusive Excellence - Supporting Neurodiverse Athletes
Bre Braun, LAT
10:20-11:20 AM
Session 3: Landing Mechanics to Plyometric Progressions
Christian Kimball, MS, CSCS
10:55-11:20 AM
Session 4: From Injury to Recovery - Collaborative Care in High School Sports: Sun Prairie East
Benjamin Becker, LAT
Joseph Wittmann, DPT, PT, ATC
10:55-11:20 AM
Session 5: Scoliosis Considerations in the Active Pediatric Population
Jeffrey Henstenburg, MD
10:20-11:20 AM
Continued: Session 3: Landing Mechanics for Optimal Performance Injury Prevention
Christian Kimball, MS, CSCS
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Keynote Address: Sport-Related Concussions in Children and Adolescents
Mark Halstead, MD
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Keynote Address: Sport-Related Concussions in Children and Adolescents
Mark Halstead, MD
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Keynote Address: Sport-Related Concussions in Children and Adolescents
Mark Halstead, MD
12:30-12:45 PM
12:30-12:45 PM
12:30-12:45 PM
12:45-1:30 PM
12:45-1:30 PM
12:45-1:30 PM
1:35-2:05 PM
Session 5: Optimizing Rehabilitation for Safe and Effective Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction
Melissa Ball, DPT, PT, SCS, ATC
Amy Bednarek, DPT, PT, SCS
1:35-2:05 PM
Session 6: Management of Focal Chondral Defects at the Time of ACL Reconstruction
Eric Cotter, MD
1:35-3:10 PM
Session 4: Cutting and Pivoting
John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES
2:10-2:45 PM
Session 6: Interactive Workshop - Functional Strength and Athletic Movement to Prepare to Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction
Melissa Ball, DPT, PT, SCS, ATC
Bednarek, DPT, PT, SCS, ATC
2:10-2:40 PM
Session 7: Op vs. Non-op Meniscus Debate
Jake Enos, MD
Joseph Park, MD
1:35-3:10 PM
Continued: Session 4: Cutting and Pivoting
John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES
2:45-3:15 PM
Session 7: Advances in Post-Operative Protocols for Hip and PAO Rehabilitation
Melissa Fischer, DPT
2:45-3:15 PM
Session 8: Decision in Borderline Dysplastic Hip - Technical Considerations
Haley Smith, MD
1:35-3:10 PM
Continued: Session 4: Cutting and Pivoting
John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES
3:15-3:20 PM
3:15-3:20 PM
3:15-3:20 PM
3:30-3:40 PM
3:30-3:40 PM
3:30-3:40 PM
3:45-4:30 PM
Session 8: Progressive Testing for Hip Rehabilitation - A Comprehensive Workshop
Kirk Schulz, PT, OCS, M3-TPI
3:45-4:30 PM
Session 9: Multimodal Treatment of Stress Fractures - An Opportunity for Bone Health Optimization
Christina Morganti, MD
3:45-4:45 PM
Session 5: Hip Mobility and Exercise Selection to Maximize Performance and Reduce Injury
Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDT
4:35-5:05 PM
Session 9: Bone Mass Acquisition in the Female Adolescent and Beyond: Building Better Bones
Jill Thein-Nissenbaum, PT, MPT, ATC, DSc
4:30-5:20 PM
Session 10: Enhancing Clinician Well-Being - Exploring Systemic and Personal Influences
Mariah Quinn, MD, MPH
4:45-5:45 PM
Session 6: Sprint Mechanics
Djenne Parris, DPT
5:05-5:45 PM
Session 10: Effective Recovery Strategies and Loading Rehabilitation Ideas for Bone Stress Injuries
Shari Clark, MS, LAT
Liz Chumanov, PhD, DPT
Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCS
5:20-5:30 PM

5:45 PM

5:45 PM
5:30 PM



Madison Area Technical College-Truax Main Campus
1701 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704
United States
+1 (608) 246-6100


Visitor parking is available in the main lot west of Wright Street. Enter the parking lot off Wright Street and follow signs to visitor parking.  A parking lot entrance code will be sent with your confirmation. Parking is free to attendees.

PDF icon Truax Campus Map.pdf

Recommended Lodging

DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton
4402 E. Washington Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Phone: (608) 244-4703






University of Wisconsin Faculty

Melissa Ball, DPT, PT, SCS, ATC, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

Benjamin Becker, LAT, UW Health Science Drive Medical Center‡

Amy Bednarek, DPT, PT, SCS, ATC, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

David Bernhardt, MD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Division of Sports Medicine; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics*‡

Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDT, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Department, East Madison Hospital‡

Bre Braun, LAT, UW Health Science Drive Medical Center‡

M. Alison Brooks, MD, MPH, Professor, UW Department of Orthopedics, Division of Sports Medicine; Primary UW Team Physician for Badger Men’s Soccer and Women’s Ice Hockey‡

Kathleen Carr, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics*‡

Liz Chumanov, PhD, DPT, Physical Therapist, UW Sports Rehabilitation at East Madison Hospital‡

Shari Clark, MS, LAT, Licensed Athletic Trainer, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center; Teaching Faculty III UW Madison Department of Kinesiology‡

Eric Cotter, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Team Physician University of Wisconsin Athletics‡

Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

Gary Diny, PT, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

Jake Enos, MD, UW Sports Medicine Fellow, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Daniel Enz, PT, SCS, LAT, Manager, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center ‡

Melissa Fischer, DPT, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

Elizabeth Frick, DPT, PT, Sports Resident, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation

Douglas Grovergrys, MPT, LAT, SCS, CSCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center*‡

Mark Halstead, MD, Professor, Orthopedic Surgery, and Pediatrics, Division of Sports Medicine; Director, Sports Concussion Program; Medical Director, Young Athlete Center; Medical Director, Progress West Clinic, Washington University

Jeffrey Henstenburg, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at UW Health and American Family Children’s Hospital

Robert Hofschulte, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS, CSCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center‡

Christian Kimball, MS, CSCS, Exercise Specialist, Sports Performance Training Center, UW Health‡

John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation at East Madison Hospital*‡

David Knight, MA, LAT, USAW, TPI, Sports Performance Program Manager, UW Health Sports Medicine*‡

Maria Kostichka, MS, LAT, Licensed Athletic Trainer, UW Health Sports Medicine Athletic Training Residency Director*‡

Tim McGuine, PhD, ATC, Distinguished Scientist, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health‡

Christina Morganti, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Laura Moyer, MS, LAT, UW Sports Medicine Educational Services Coordinator*‡

Jamie Palmer, PT, DPT, ATC, OCS, SCS, CSCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center and East Madison Hospital‡

Joseph Park, MD, UW Health Department of Pediatrics - PGY 4 Fellow

Djenne Parris, DPT, Sports Physical Therapy Resident, UW Health

Mariah Quinn, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine; Chief Wellness Officer

Kirk Schulz, PT, OCS, M3-TPI, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Department, East Madison Hospital‡

Haley Smith, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery UW Madison, Team Physician University of Wisconsin Athletics‡

Andrea Spiker, MD, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics (Men's and Women's Basketball)*‡

Philip Swain, PT, Director of Orthopedics Ambulatory Clinics, UW Health*

Jill Thein-Nissenbaum, PT, MPT, ATC, DSc, Staff Physical Therapist-UW Badgers, Associate Professor, UW-Madison Physical Therapy Program

Joseph Tupta, PT, OCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Department, East Madison Hospital‡

Matthew Uftring, LAT, UW Health Science Drive Medical Center‡

Joseph Wittmann, DPT, PT, ATC, Sports Resident, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation

*Planning Committee

‡UW Health Sports Medicine, Madison, Wisconsin

Policy on Faculty and Sponsor Disclosure

It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) to identify, mitigate, and disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies* held by the speakers/presenters, authors, committee members, planners, and other persons who may influence the content of this accredited continuing education (CE). In addition, speakers/presenters and authors must disclose any planned discussion of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation(s). Detailed disclosures will be available prior to the start of the activity.

*Ineligible companies are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by, or on, patients. The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical services directly to patients to be ineligible companies.

NameRole(s)Financial Relationships Disclosure(s)Discussion of Unlabeled/Unapproved Uses of Drugs/Devices in Presentation?

Cathy Means


No relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose




Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Credit Designation Statements

American Medical Association (AMA)


The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

American Board of Surgery Continuous Certification CME Only

Successful completion of this CME activity enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME requirement(s) of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.

Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC): The University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) (BOC AP#: JA0000358) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers (ATs). This program is eligible for a maximum of 7.5 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.

National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Credit is pending.

American Physical Therapy Association-Wisconsin

Credit is pending with the American Physical Therapy Association-Wisconsin.

In order to claim credit, you have to attend at least 80% of the symposium.

Chiropractic Continuing Education, State of Wisconsin

Credit is pending.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP, as a member of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), authorizes this program for .75 continuing education units (CEUs) or 7.5 hours.

Available Credit

  • 7.50 ABS Accredited CME
  • 7.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 7.50 BOC Category A CEUs
  • 7.50 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    • 7.50 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™


Please login or register to take this course.

Registration for this activity can only be completed through the ICEP Learning Portal. Attendee registrations made through any other sites cannot be honored. UW-Madison ICEP is not able to refund fees paid through unaffiliated registration sites, such as eMedEvents.com, MedConfWorld.com, EventEgg.com, and 10times.com. Please report any unauthorized websites or solicitations for registrations to help@icep.wisc.edu.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to help@icep.wisc.edu. Cancellation requests received at least 96 hours prior to the symposium will allow a full refund except for the nonrefundable processing fee of $50. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 96 hours prior to the activity start date.


The University of Wisconsin provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements. The University of Wisconsin fully complies with the legal requirements of the ADA and the rules and regulations thereof. If any participant in this educational activity is in need of accommodations, please notify us at help@icep.wisc.edu

Program Changes

Emergency situations occasionally occur and may necessitate topic or speaker changes. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP reserve the right to alter or substitute a topic or speaker without prior notification.

Questions About Registration

Email help@icep.wisc.edu.

For Further Information

For conference information please contact Laura Moyer at lmoyer@uwhealth.org.