45th Annual University of Wisconsin Sports Medicine Symposium

Madison, WI US
May 4, 2023 to May 5, 2023


May 4-5, 2023

Symposium Format

Presentations: In-Person and also Live Streamed (choose one format)
Labs: In-Person ONLY (no live streaming)

Method of attendance is available when you register for the program. This symposium will not be recorded for post-conference viewing.

In-Person Location

Union South
University of Wisconsin–Madison Campus
1308 W. Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin
Meeting Room: Varsity Hall I/II

Labs Location

McClain Center
University of Wisconsin–Madison Campus
1475 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin

Provided by

UW Health Sports Medicine 
University of Wisconsin-Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP)

Symposium Overview and Statement of Need

The purpose of this symposium is to provide the latest information on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of athletic-related medical conditions and musculoskeletal injuries. The content is based on comments from past participants as well as faculty and clinical staff’s perception of current trends and issues in sports medicine. The symposium will focus on practical and clinically relevant information for participants to use in their daily practice.

Early Bird Registration Fees (for registration on or before April 15, 2023); to receive the early bird fee, USE COUPON CODE SMEARLY23 at checkout).

Fees for In-Person Option (includes presentations and labs)

  • $400 Physicians
  • $300 Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $100 Undergraduate Students

Fees for Livestream Option (presentations only; labs on the afternoon of May 4 and May 5 are for in-person attendance only)

  • $200 Physicians, Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $75 Undergraduate Students

Registration Fees (for registration after April 15, 2023):

Fees for In-Person Option (includes presentations and labs)

  • $425 Physicians
  • $325 Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $125 Undergraduate Students

Fees for Livestream Option (presentations only; labs on the afternoon of May 4 and May 5 are for in-person attendance only)

  • $225 Physicians, Residents, Fellows, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Others
  • $100 Undergraduate Students

The fee includes the cost of tuition, conference completion report, and a nonrefundable processing fee of $50. We are not allowing for switching between formats after we have received your registration.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. Cancellation requests received at least 96 hours prior to the symposium will allow a full refund except for the nonrefundable processing fee of $50. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 96 hours prior to the activity start date.

Target Audience

This activity is intended for team physicians, primary care physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, and other health professionals who provide care for athletic and active populations.

Elements of Competence

This continuing education (CE) activity has been designed to change learner competence and focuses on the American Board of Medical Specialties areas of medical knowledge, patient care and procedural skills, interpersonal and communication skills, in addition to the interprofessional competencies of values/ethics for interprofessional practice, teams and teamwork, and interprofessional communication.

Global Learning Objectives

As a result of participation in this symposium, members of the healthcare team will be able to:

  • Develop skills in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of common sports and orthopedic injuries in active populations.
  • Identify age-specific differential diagnoses for musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Identify concussion management strategies.
  • Summarize nutrition challenges for female athletes and define what energy deficiency means.
  • Recognize appropriate radiological and rehabilitation techniques for managing spondylolysis in the adolescent athlete.
  • Explain the four points of Psychological Safety.
  • Discuss the use of NMES and BFR in the rehab setting.

For Further Information

Please contact Laura Moyer at [email protected]


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 14.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 14.00 AAFP Credits
  • 14.00 BOC Category A CEUs
  • 14.00 Chiropractic CE Hours
  • 14.00 Physical Therapy Contact Hours
  • 14.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    • 14.00 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Registration opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/04/2023 - 7:30am CDT
Event ends: 
05/05/2023 - 3:00pm CDT



THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2023: Day 1

7:30Registration Opens; Full Breakfast
8:00Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:05Common Sports Injuries in Female Athletes, Molly Day, MD
8:45The Young Female Athlete: Surgical Considerations, Pam Lang, MD
9:25Hand and Wrist Sports Injuries: A Team Approach, Amy Brossard, MS, OTR/L, CHT; Lisa Kruse, MD
9:55Sport Specific Issues in Hand and Wrist Rehab, Ben Kelly, DPT
10:25Refreshment Break
10:40Shoulder Pain in Competitive Swimmers: The Role of Posture Dysfunction, Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT
11:10Does Participation in Youth Tackle Football Provide Any Benefit or Risk for High School Football Players, Tim McGuine, PhD, ATC
11:30High School Athletics Spotlight: Lacrosse, Samantha Nauer, MS, LAT, CSCS
 SESSION 4: Shari Khaja-Dorresteijn Lecture Presentation
From Professional Basketball and Ballet to Energy Deficiency and Injury to Adolescent Athlete Attrition and Women's Empowerment: The Many Faces and Facets of the Female Athlete,
Courtney Gleason, MD
1:45Nutrition-Related Challenges for Female Athletes, Sarah Van Riet, MS, RDN, CDE; Erin Berg, MS, RD, CSSD
2:15Health and Wellness Challenges Specific to Active Women, Erin Hammer, MD; Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCS
2:45Panel Discussion
3:00To-Go Snack
3:30-5:30AFTERNOON LABS (3 labs, 40 minutes each), McClain Center
 Lab 1: Active Moms - Safely Returning to Movement, Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCS; Liz Chumanov, PhD, DPT
 Lab 2: Swim Analysis - Aquatic Therapy Pool, Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT; John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES
 Lab 3: Lacrosse Equipment - What Is It and How to Remove It, Samantha Nauer, MS, LAT, CSCS

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2023: Day 2

7:30Registration Opens; Full Breakfast
7:45Opening Remarks, Announcements
7:50Pre-Participation Screening - Thinking Outside the Box, David Bernhardt, MD
8:20Psychological Safety, Ramel "Kweku" Smith, PhD, LP
8:50Mental Health Conversations, David Lacocque, PsyD
9:20Panel Discussion
9:30Imaging Correlation and Rehab Considerations for Youth Athletes With Spondylolysis Injuries, Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDT; Humberto Rosas, MD
10:30Refreshment Break
10:40Approaches to Concussion Rehab in the Intercollegiate Setting, Erin McQuillan, MS, LAT
11:10NMES and Blood Flow Restriction - Let's Stimulate Some Discussion, Bailey Lanser, PT, DPT, SCS, LAT
11:40How and When Does Achilles Repair Rehab Change Based on Surgery and Injury, Christine Jensen, DPT
12:05To-Go Lunch
1:00-3:00AFTERNOON LABS (4 labs, 40 minutes each), McClain Center (Lab 4 Swim Analysis is a repeat from May 4; due to the small space for this lab, we are offering it again for those who did not get a chance to attend on May 4)
 Lab 1: Concussion Rehab Approaches, Erin McQuillan, MS, LAT
 Lab 2: Treatment Modalities - NMES and BFR, Bailey Lanser, PT, DPT, SCS, LAT; Daniel Cobian, PhD, DPT, CSCS
 Lab 3: Low Back - Athletic Spondylolysis Rehabilitation, Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDT; Melissa Fischer, DPT
 Lab 4: Swim Analysis - Aquatic Therapy Pool, Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT; John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES


Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison
1308 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53715
United States
+1 (608) 890-3000


For People Attending the In-Person Symposium:  Please park in the Engineering Lot 17 Parking Ramp, 1525 Engineering Drive, Madison, Wisconsin (parking passes will be handed out during registration for this lot - there is no fee for the pass).

For Union South Overnight Guests and Symposium Speakers: Please park in the Union South Parking Garage, Lot 80.

For Lot 17 and Union South locations, please visit https://tinyurl.com/we24ay4k.


Wisconsin Union Hotel and Club Suites
1308 West Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin

A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved for symposium attendees. A special rate of $170 plus tax is available for this symposium. To reserve a room:

  • Phone: (608) 263-2600. Please mention the group name of UW Health Sports Medicine Symposium 2023 to receive the discounted rate.
  • Online: Please visit https://union.wisc.edu/hotel and mention code UWHEALTH23 to receive the discounted rate.
  • Special Requests: Every attempt will be made to accommodate special requests for room types and location; however, due to the arrival and departure patterns not all requests may be fulfilled.

 Reservations must be received by the morning of: 04/07/2023.

Virtual (Live Stream) Program Link

For people attending the live stream program, a link to the program will be sent to you prior to the symposium.

Keynote Speaker

Courtney Gleason, MD, Sports Medicine Physician, Emory University, Department of Orthopedics; Team Physician, Atlanta Dream

University of Wisconsin Faculty

Erin Berg, MS, RD, CSSD, Registered Dietician, UW–Madison Health Services Department

David Bernhardt, MD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Division of Sports Medicine; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics*‡

Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDT, Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Department, East Madison Hospital‡

Amy Brossard, MS, OTR/L, CHT, Occupational Therapist, UW Health Hand and Upper Extremity Clinics; Manager of the Hand and Upper Extremity Program‡

Kathleen Carr, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics*‡

Liz Chumanov, PhD, DPT, Physical Therapist, UW Sports Rehabilitation at The American Center‡

Daniel Cobian, PhD, DPT, CSCS, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program; Research Scientist, Badger Athletic Performance; Physical Therapist, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation‡

Molly Day, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCS, Physical Therapist, UW Health

Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LAT, Manager, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation Science Drive Medical Center, Sports Residency Director‡

Melissa Fischer, DPT, Physical Therapist, UW Health

Doug Grovergrys, MPT, LAT, SCS, CSCS, Physical Therapist, UW Sports Rehabilitation at Research Park*‡

Erin Hammer, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Division of Sports Medicine‡

Christine Jensen, DPT, Physical Therapy Resident, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation‡

Ben Kelly, DPT, Physical Therapy Resident, UW Health Sports Rehabilitation‡

John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PES, Physical Therapist, UW Health*

David Knight, MA, LAT, USAW, TPI, Sports Performance Program Manager, UW Health Sports Medicine*‡

Maria Kostichka, MS, LAT, Licensed Athletic Trainer, UW Health Sports Medicine Athletic Training Residency Director*‡

Lisa Kruse, MD, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon, Department of Orthopedics, UW Health‡

David Lacocque, PsyD, Director of Mental Health and Sport Psychology, UW–Madison Athletic Department

Pam Lang, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Division of Sports Medicine‡

Bailey Lanser, PT, DPT, SCS, LAT, Physical Therapist/Athletic Trainer, UW–Madison Athletic Department

Tim McGuine, PhD, ATC, Distinguished Scientist, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health‡

Erin McQuillan, MS, LAT, Licensed Athletic Trainer, UW–Madison Athletic Department

Laura Moyer, MS, LAT, Licensed Athletic Trainer, UW Sports Rehabilitation; UW Sports Medicine Educational Services Coordinator*‡

Samantha Nauer, MS, LAT, CSCS, UW Health Sports Medicine Outreach Athletic Trainer‡

Humberto Rosas, MD, Professor, UW Department of Radiology; Director, Musculoskeletal Intervention, UW Hospital and Clinics‡

Marc Sherry, PT, DPT, LAT, CSCS, PES, Manager, Sports Rehabilitation, UW Health at The American Center*‡

Ramel "Kweku" Smith, PhD, LP, Senior Psychologist, Mental Health and Sport Psychology Team, UW–Madison Athletic Department

Andrea Spiker, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation; Team Physician, University of Wisconsin Athletics (Men's and Women's Basketball)*‡

Sarah Van Riet, MS, RDN, CDE, Clinical Dietician, University Health Services, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Andrew Winterstein, PhD, ATC, Director, CAATE Accredited Athletic Training Education Program, Department of Kinesiology*

*Planning Committee

‡UW Health Sports Medicine, Madison, Wisconsin

Policy on Faculty and Sponsor Disclosure

It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) to identify, mitigate and disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies* held by the speakers/presenters, authors, committee members, planners, and other persons who may influence content of this accredited continuing education (CE). In addition, speakers/presenters and authors must disclose any planned discussion of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation(s). For this accredited continuing education activity all relevant financial relationships have been mitigated and detailed disclosures are listed below.

*Ineligible companies are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by, or on, patients. The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical services directly to patients to be ineligible companies.

Erin Berg, MS, RD, CSSDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
David Bernhardt, MDCommittee Member, SpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Brian Bradley, PT, MPT, ATC, OCS, MDTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Amy Brossard, MS, OTR/L, CHTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Kathleen Carr, MDCommittee MemberNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Liz Chumanov, PhD, DPTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Daniel Cobian, PhD, DPT, CSCSSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Molly Day, MDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Jenelle Deatherage, PT, OCSSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Dan Enz, PT, SCS, LATSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Melissa Fischer, DPTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Courtney Gleason, MDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Doug Grovergrys, MPT, LAT, SCS, CSCSCommittee MemberNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Erin Hammer, MDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Christine Jensen, DPTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Ben Kelly, DPTSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
John Kipp, PT, DPT, SCS, PESCommittee Member, SpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Maria Kostichka, MS, LATCommittee MemberNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Lisa Kruse, MDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
David Lacocque, PsyDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Pam Lang, MDSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Bailey Lanser, PT, DPT, SCS, LATSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Tim McGuine, PhD, ATCSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Erin McQuillan, MS, LATSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Cathy Means, MSPlannerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Laura Moyer, MS, LATCommittee Member, Course DirectorNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Samantha Nauer, MS, LAT, CSCSSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Humberto Rosas, MDSpeakerGeneral Electric (Contractor)No
Marc Sherry, PT, DPT, LAT, CSCS, PESCommittee MemberNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Ramel Smith, PhD, LPSpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Andrea Spiker, MDSpeakerStryker (Contractor)No
Sarah Van Riet, MS, RDN, CDESpeakerNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Andrew Winterstein, PhD, ATCCommittee MemberNo relevant relationships with ineligible companies to discloseNo
Discloser List CME Internal Report

Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Credit Designation Statements

American Medical Association (AMA)


The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP designates this live activity for a maximum of 14 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC): The University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (BOC AP#: JA0000358) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers (ATs). This program is eligible for a maximum of 14 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

The AAFP has reviewed 45th Annual University of Wisconsin Sports Medicine Symposium and deemed it acceptable for up to 14.00 Live AAFP Prescribed credits. Term of Approval is from 05/04/2023 to 05/05/2023. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

This activity has been Approved by the APTA Wisconsin for 14.00 credits. The Approval Number is 19137.

In order to claim credit, you have to attend at least 80% of the symposium. The minimum number of credits you can claim is 11.5.

Chiropractic Continuing Education

This course has been approved for 14 hours of Chiropractic Continuing Education by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services; Approval Code CHI240246.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP, as a member of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), authorizes this program for 1.4 continuing education units (CEUs) or 14 hours.

Available Credit

  • 14.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 14.00 AAFP Credits
  • 14.00 BOC Category A CEUs
  • 14.00 Chiropractic CE Hours
  • 14.00 Physical Therapy Contact Hours
  • 14.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    • 14.00 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Please login or register to take this course.

At checkout, please use the Coupon Code SMEARLY23 to receive the early bird rate.

Registration for this activity can only be completed through the ICEP Learning Portal. Attendee registrations made through any other sites cannot be honored. UW-Madison ICEP is not able to refund fees paid through unaffiliated registration sites, such as eMedEvents.com, MedConfWorld.com, EventEgg.com, and 10times.com. Please report any unauthorized websites or solicitations for registrations to [email protected].

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. Cancellation requests received at least 96 hours prior to the symposium will allow a full refund except for the nonrefundable processing fee of $50. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 96 hours prior to the activity start date.


The University of Wisconsin provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements. The University of Wisconsin fully complies with the legal requirements of the ADA and the rules and regulations thereof. If any participant in this educational activity is in need of accommodations, please notify us at [email protected]

Program Changes

Emergency situations occasionally occur and may necessitate topic or speaker changes. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP reserve the right to alter or substitute a topic or speaker without prior notification.

Questions About Registration

Email [email protected].

For Further Information

For conference information please contact Laura Moyer at [email protected].

Required Hardware/software

A computer, tablet, or smartphone with audio sharing capabilities is required for this symposium (for virtual participants).