File Introduction to MyLLOC Pediatric Obesity Transcript.docx

As we are all well aware, obesity is a complex public health issue with many contributing factors. Multiple studies suggest that childhood and adolescent obesity increases the likelihood of adult diseases and mortality and that addressing obesity prevention and treatment in childhood is an effective approach to changing patient outcomes.

The Pediatric Obesity learning community provides a forum for health professionals concerned about pediatric obesity prevention, management and treatment to engage in interactive online courses such as Nutrition and Healthy Life Choices, Lipid Management, and Patient and Family Communication with more to come; network with colleagues via discussions related to the topic; and, follow news related to emerging research and public health trends.  

I hope you enjoy participating and learning in the Pediatric Obesity Learning Community. Your feeback is always welcome at [email protected].

Aaron Carrel, MD

Learning Community Clinical Director
Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Fitness
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

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Pediatric Obesity Courses

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Funding for this project was provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program.


The Pediatric Obesity learning community provides a forum for health professionals concerned about pediatric obesity prevention, management and treatment to engage in interactive online courses such as Nutrition and Healthy Life Choices, Lipid Management, and Patient and Family Communication with more to come; network with colleagues via discussions related to the topic; and, follow news related to emerging research and public health trends.  

Group visibility: 
Public - accessible to all site users