Katie Uttal, BS
Carly Eichten, MS, CGC
A Recurrent Neural Tube Defect: Fetal Intervention and an Incidental Finding
- Evaluate intervention options for myelomeningocele, with a focus on fetal surgery.
- Examine psychosocial considerations for discussing incidental findings and recurrent prenatal anomalies.
Katie Hayes, BS
Abi Freeman, MS, CGC
Psychosocial and Ethical Dilemmas Associated with Predictive Testing in the Post-Cures-Act Era
- Examine the nuances and complexities of gathering a reliable family history for neurodegenerative conditions when complicated by poly-substance use.
- Evaluate the return of results process in predictive genetic testing in the post-Cures-Act Era.
- Identify the limits of GINA (Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act) in the workplace and evaluate best practices in discussing these implications with patients considering predictive testing.
Session date:
12/06/2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm CST
United States
See map: Google Maps
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.00 CDR CPEUs
- 1.00 NSGC Category 1 CEU Contact Hours
- 1.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
- 1.00 Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
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Discloser List CME Internal Report
Katie Uttal, BS (grad student)
Carly Eichten, MS, CGC
Katie Hayes, BS (grad student)
Abi Freeman, MS, CGC