Would you recommend this course to others? Yes No Please explain: Did this course and the accompanying facilitator manual and implementation guide provide you enough information to be able to implement OHDC? Yes No Would you want to have the course developer available to answer questions as you implement OHDC? Yes No How likely are you to implement OHDC? Not likely Unsure Very likely Extremely likely I have already implemented OHDC Other: How likely are you to implement OHDC? Other: Please explain: Do you have a plan to implement OHDC? Yes No Please explain: Answer the following questions about your patients/clients/participants in your OHDC implementation: How many participants started? How many participants completed? How did you identify/recruit participants? Was your implementation successful? Yes No Please explain: Did you have a co-facilitator when you implemented and delivered OHDC? Yes No Did you experience any challenges with implementation? Yes No Please explain: Did your employer support your OHDC implementation? Yes No How was your time paid for in providing OHDC? Leave this field blank