This educational activity met its stated objectives: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree insert learning objective here insert learning objective here - Strongly Disagree insert learning objective here - Disagree insert learning objective here - Neither Agree Nor Disagree insert learning objective here - Agree insert learning objective here - Strongly Agree insert learning objective here insert learning objective here - Strongly Disagree insert learning objective here - Disagree insert learning objective here - Neither Agree Nor Disagree insert learning objective here - Agree insert learning objective here - Strongly Agree insert learning objective here insert learning objective here - Strongly Disagree insert learning objective here - Disagree insert learning objective here - Neither Agree Nor Disagree insert learning objective here - Agree insert learning objective here - Strongly Agree insert learning objective here insert learning objective here - Strongly Disagree insert learning objective here - Disagree insert learning objective here - Neither Agree Nor Disagree insert learning objective here - Agree insert learning objective here - Strongly Agree How relevant was this educational activity to your clinical practice or training level? Not Relevant Somewhat Relevant Very Relevant This educational activity was relevant to my clinical practice/training level: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Explain: Rate the presentation: Poor Fair Good Excellent Content (what was said) Content (what was said) - Poor Content (what was said) - Fair Content (what was said) - Good Content (what was said) - Excellent Delivery (how it was said) Delivery (how it was said) - Poor Delivery (how it was said) - Fair Delivery (how it was said) - Good Delivery (how it was said) - Excellent The presenter met the stated learning objectives: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Please offer feedback to the presenter(s): This educational session contributed to my professional effectiveness related to: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Working with an interprofessional team Working with an interprofessional team - Strongly Disagree Working with an interprofessional team - Disagree Working with an interprofessional team - Neither Agree Nor Disagree Working with an interprofessional team - Agree Working with an interprofessional team - Strongly Agree Engaging in effective interprofessional communication Engaging in effective interprofessional communication - Strongly Disagree Engaging in effective interprofessional communication - Disagree Engaging in effective interprofessional communication - Neither Agree Nor Disagree Engaging in effective interprofessional communication - Agree Engaging in effective interprofessional communication - Strongly Agree Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members - Strongly Disagree Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members - Disagree Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members - Neither Agree Nor Disagree Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members - Agree Defining roles/responsibilities of my team members - Strongly Agree Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice - Strongly Disagree Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice - Disagree Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice - Neither Agree Nor Disagree Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice - Agree Applying values/ethics to interprofessional practice - Strongly Agree In what ways did this educational activity impact knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competence pertaining to you and/or your healthcare team practice? Please choose all that apply. Learning Objective 1: Change in my practice Change in my healthcare team practice It did not impact practice Other: Learning Objective 1: Other: Learning Objective 2: Change in my practice Change in my healthcare team practice It did not impact practice Other: Learning Objective 2: Other: Learning Objective 3: Change in my practice Change in my healthcare team practice It did not impact practice Other: Learning Objective 3: Other: Learning Objective 4: Change in my practice Change in my healthcare team practice It did not impact practice Other: Learning Objective 4: Other: Did change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or competence occur in other areas? No Yes, describe: Did change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or competence occur in other areas? Yes, describe: For the change you described, select the type of change(s): Change in my practice Change in my healthcare team practice Other: For the change you described, select the type of change(s): Other: Explain how you and/or your healthcare team will utilize information provided during this activity: Explain what changes in practice you and/or your healthcare team are able to make as a result of your participation this activity: What barriers to interprofessional collaborative practice do you experience in your professional practice? What barriers do you anticipate in the implementation of best practice related to the presented topic? How will you address these barriers? Rate your confidence in being able to provide care that addresses the diverse needs, preferences, and concerns of : Very Low Low Average High Very High Before participating in the session Before participating in the session - Very Low Before participating in the session - Low Before participating in the session - Average Before participating in the session - High Before participating in the session - Very High After participating in the session After participating in the session - Very Low After participating in the session - Low After participating in the session - Average After participating in the session - High After participating in the session - Very High This educational activity prepared me to effectively communicate about this topic across a broad spectrum of backgrounds: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree How would you rate your satisfaction in regards to the diversity of perspectives and experiences presented within this educational activity? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Commercial bias is defined as a personal judgment in favor of a specific proprietary business interest of an entity that produces, markets, sells, re-sells, or distributes healthcare products used by or on patients. It is important that CE activities accredited by the University of Wisconsin—Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership be free of commercial bias. If you perceived the presence of commercial bias in the education content or actions of any speaker and/or planner, please tell us here: Please make suggestions for future educational activities or list any additional comments here: List challenges, problem areas, new treatments, guidelines, drugs, etc. in your practice where you could benefit from further education: Finish this sentence: My professional competence or performance would be enhanced if I had more training about… Leave this field blank