43rd Annual UW Big Sky Radiology Conference In Memory of Virgil and Sharon Graves

Big Sky, MT US
January 13, 2019 to January 16, 2019

Statement of Need

Advances in medical imaging continue to occur quite rapidly, making the clinical practice of radiology extremely demanding. The information presented in this course familiarizes the participant with newly emerging material and provides opportunities to discuss and exchange ideas with the faculty. The program was conceived, developed and structured as a result of the input from attendees of previous CME meetings and the need perceived by our faculty.

    Intended Audience

    This educational activity has been designed to meet the needs of radiologists in general diagnostic practice who are determining which radiologic tests to order and how to evaluate and manage their patients.


    Learning Objectives

    • Explain the role of CT perfusion imaging for patient selection regarding reperfusion therapy and best practice implementation of comprehensive stroke evaluation.
    • Outline a systematic approach to the diagnosis of fetal skeletal dysplasias and be able to construct a differential diagnosis from the US findings.
    • Recognize how to interpret bone mineral density exams to determine patient's fracture risk and be familiar with the FRAX and Trabecular Bone Score.
    • Comprehend how DOTATATE can be used as a theragnostic molecular agent in patients with neuroendocrine tumors.
    • Identify current imaging recommendations for special breast cases.
    • Summarize toxic and foriegn body ingestion diagnosis and management.

    Additional Information

    PDF icon BigSky2019_BrochureFINAL.pdf865.04 KB
    Course summary
    Available credit: 
    • 18.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 18.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours
    Registration opens: 
    Course expires: 
    Event starts: 
    01/13/2019 - 7:00am CST
    Event ends: 
    01/16/2019 - 6:00pm CST


     Sunday, January 13, 2019
    7:00-8:00 AMBMD, FRAX, TBS, VFA-TMI?!*
    Scott B. Perlman, MD
    8:00-9:00 AMBreast Cysts: It's Not So Simple*
    Mary S. Newell, MD
    9:00-9:30 AMAxillary Imaging in Breast Cancer Patients: The Basics
    Mary S. Newell, MD
    4:30-5:15 PMToxic and Foreign Body Ingestion
    Laura Avery, MD
    5:15-6:00 PMER Cases
    Laura Avery, MD
    6:00-6:45 PMUnknown Breast Cases
    Pamela Propeck, MD, FACR
     Monday, January 14, 2019
    7:15-8:00 AMMolecular Imaging of Dementia
    Scott B. Perlman, MD
    8:00-8:45 AMClinical Molecular Imaging and Therapy
    Scott B. Perlman, MD
    8:45-9:30 AM8:45-9:30 AM8:45-9:30 AMCervical Spine Trauma
    Laura Avery, MD
    4:30-5:15 PMIatrogenic Chest Emergencies
    Laura Avery, MD
    5:15-6:00Screening for Breast Cancer: He Said, She Said
    Mary S. Newell, MD
    6:00-6:45 PMImaging the Pregnant or Lactating Breast
    Mary S. Newell, MD
     Tuesday, January 15, 2019
    7:00-8:00 AMDiagnostic Imaging in the Acute Stroke Evaluation*
    Anthony Kuner, MD
    8:00-9:00 AMUltrasound Detection of Fetal Aneuploidy and Syndromes*
    Mark A. Kliewer, MD
    9:00-9:30 AMApproach to Fetal Skeletal Dysplasias
    Mark A. Kliewer, MD
    4:30-5:30 PMTaking a Look at Marrow*
    Jason W. Stephenson, MD
    5:30-6:00 PMCalcific Tendonitis Lavage with Ultrasound Guidance
    Jason W. Stephenson, MD
    6:00-6:30 PMCommon Head and Neck CT Diagnoses: A Case-Based Approach
    Anthony Kuner, MD
     Wednesday, January 16, 2019
    7:15-8:00 AMThe Fetal Neuro-Sonogram
    Mark A. Kliewer, MD
    8:00-8:45 AMSonography of the Fetal Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Systems 
    Mark A. Kliewer, MD
    8:45-9:30 AMSinonasal Anatomy, Pathology, and Reporting
    Anthony Kuner, MD
    4:30-5:15 PMImaging of Low Back Pain: The Degenerative Lumbar Spine
    Anthony Kuner, MD
    5:15-6:00 PMImaging of the Shoulder
    Jason W. Stephenson, MD
    6:00-6:45 PMMSK CT - The Basics
    Jason W Stephenson, MD

    *SAM Presentation

    Big Sky Resort
    50 Big Sky Resort Road
    Big Sky, MT 59716
    United States
    +1 (800) 548-4486

    Conference Attire

    To ensure your comfort in the conference room, please bring a sweater or jacket to accommodate temperature variations.


    UW Big Sky Radiology Conference Room Rates and Reservations

    The Huntley Lodge
    First Class (2-4 guests)        $192-267
    Mtn. View (2-4 guests)         $202-277
    Loft (2-6 guests)                   $258-379

    The Summit at Big Sky
    Studio (2 guests)                  $237-262
    Hotel (2Q) (2-4 guests)        $256-331
    Hotel (1K) (2-4 guests)        $266-291
    1-bdrm (2-6 guests)             $488
    2-bdrm (4-8 guests)             $629
    3-bdrm (6-10 guests)           $886

    The Shoshone Condominium/Hotel
    1-bdrm Suite (2-4 guests)   $355
    1-bdrm Loft (2-6 guests)     $524

    The Village Center
    Studio (2 guests)                $219-244
    1-bdrm (2-6 guests)            $471
    2-bdrm (4-8 guests)            $620
    3-bdrm (6-10 guests)          $886

    Call the Big Sky Central Reservations to book your lodging at 800-548-4486 (outside Montana) or 406-995-5750. You must make your reservation through this process in order to receive discounted lift tickets.

    To guarantee conference rates, reservations must be received no later than December 31, 2018. You are urged to make reservations early.

    When making room reservations or purchasing lift tickets be sure to specify “Big Sky Radiology Conference.”


    Big Sky Resort
    50 Big Sky Resort Road
    Big Sky, MT 59716


    Travel Accommodations

    Travel to Big Sky is made simple by non-stop flights to Bozeman, Montana from many major cities, as well as convenient bus service from the airport to the Huntley Lodge and Big Sky area. Meeting rooms are in the lodge and mountain mall is within walking distance from almost all Mountain Village property. There is a free intra-resort shuttle. Special rates for lodging, lift tickets and ski rentals are available for the conference. Only guests staying with Big Sky Resort properties will receive lift and rental discounts.

    For More Information

    Karen Knipschild, MS, Department of Radiology Clinical Science Center, Box 3252 600 Highland Avenue Madison, WI 53792–3252 Phone: 608-263-8799, Fax: 608-263-0876 [email protected]


    Presenting Faculty

    Laura Avery, MD; Assistant Professor in Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

    Mark A. Kliewer, MD; Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health 

    Anthony Kuner, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health 

    Mary S. Newell, MD; Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

    Scott B. Perlman, MD; Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

    Pamela A. Propeck, MD, FACR; Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

    Jason W. Stephenson, MD; Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

    Conference Director

    Pamela A. Propeck, MD, FACR
    Professor of Radiology
    University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

    Associate Director

    Thomas M. Grist, MD, FACR
    Professor of Radiology
    Department Chair
    University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health



    It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP) that the faculty, authors, planners, and other persons who may influence content of this CE activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with commercial interests* in order to allow CE staff to identify and resolve any potential conflicts of interest.  Faculty must also disclose any planned discussions of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation(s).

    For this educational activity, all conflicts of interest have been resolved and detailed disclosures are listed below:

    Name of Individual

    Individual’s Role in Activity

    Name of Commercial Interest & Nature of Relationship

    Discussion of
    uses of drugs/devices
    in presentation?

    Laura Avery, MD


    No Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo

    Terese Bailey


    No Relevant Financial Relationships to Disclose


    Thomas M. Grist, MD, FACR

    Associate Director

    Bracco, Change Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Hologic, Inc., Siemens (Institutional Research Support);
    Elucent Medical, LLC, Histosonics, Inc. (Stockholder or Other Ownership Interest Holder)

    Mark A. Kliewer, MD

    PresenterNo Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo
    Karen Knipschild


    No Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo

    Anthony Kuner, MD


    No Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo

    Mary S. Newell, MD

    PresenterNo Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo

    Scott B. Perlman, MD


    AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Otsuka, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire (Consultant)
    GEMS (Member of Advisory Committee or Review Panel, PI, We are a Beta Test Site)


    Pam A. Propeck, MD, FACR

    Conference Director, Planner & Presenter

    No Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo
    Jason W. Stephenson, MDPresenterNo Relevant Financial Relationships to Disclose


    Christopher Temme

    PlannerNo Relevant Financial Relationships to DiscloseNo

    * The ACCME defines a commercial interest as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests.

    Discloser List CME Internal Report

    Accreditation Statement

    Jointly Accredited Provider LogoIn support of improving patient care, the University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.





    Credit Designation Statement

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP designates this live activity for a maximum of 18 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Continuing Education Units

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP, as a member of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), authorizes this program for 1.8 continuing education units (CEUs) or 18 hours.

    Self-Assessment Module Credits (SAM)

    Certain sessions of the meeting program will be submitted to the American Board of Radiology (ABR) for Self-Assessment Module (SAM) qualification. The total number of approved SAM credits available will be confirmed approximately 21 days prior to the meeting and will include up to 6 SAM hours.


    Available Credit

    • 18.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
    • 18.00 University of Wisconsin–Madison Continuing Education Hours

    Please login or register to take this course.

    Registration Fees

    $850 - General

    $250 - Resident/Retired


    Syllabus Materials

    Syllabus materials will be posted on this site.  Materials will be available to registered participants 72 hours (January 10) prior to the event. If you want to view the presentations while at the conference, please bring your laptop.


    Requests for cancellation must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. Cancellation requests received at least 96 hours prior to the conference will allow a full refund except for the $50 nonrefundable processing fee. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 96 hours prior to the activity start date.


    Emergency situations occasionally occur and may necessitate topic or speaker changes. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP reserve the right to alter or substitute a topic or speaker without prior notification.

    For Further Information

    For conference information or details, please contact Karen Knipschild at 608-263-8799 or [email protected].