Contact Information:

Beth Guthrie-Moss
Coordinator for Youth Health Transition Initiative
[email protected]

The Youth Health Transition Initiative (YHTI) provides Wisconsin’s youth, family members, providers, and other community collaborators with information on the movement from the pediatric world to adult health care. Tools, materials, and resources are available to help teens, families, and health care systems in the health care transition process.

Download or view our Stay A Step Ahead brochure for an introduction to Healthcare Transition and a list of resources. Check out the national organization Got Transition and the many resources for providers.

Registration is now open for the
 21st Annual Baylor College of Medicine Chronic Illness and Disability Virtual Conference: Transition from Pediatric to Adult-based Care.
 Oct 29 and 30, 8am-4pm.

Additional information, virtual conference agenda, and registration information

Download the Baylor Conference 2020 flier, which includes a link to a survey if you would like to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are available on a first come, first served basis to participants who are NOT state employees.

Youth Health Transition Learning Community

The Youth Health Transition Learning Community provides networking opportunities for health professionals who wish to move transition forward in their own organizations. This statewide group comes together virtually to share ideas and best practices around youth health transition. This webinar is for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, community supports, and anyone interested in supporting youth as they transition from adolescent to adult health care. Recordings of our quarterly Learning Community are available on our website.

View the recording of the Learning Community from Thursday, September 17: 3 youth and 2 family members share their healthcare transition stories, Healthcare Transition: Transition Stories about Challenges Faced by Generation Z.  Go to the Learning Community page. The Thursday, May 21 webinar also provided important information for practitioners to know about decisions facing their patients who are transitioning to the adult system of healthcare. Nurse Practitioner Kristen Crabtree presents Supported Decision-Making: What Providers Need to Know, also available on the Learning Community page. Health Transition is piloting a new curriculum! For information about upcoming dates and registration, visit our Events page.

Share with families, who have children with complex care needs.


Virtual Drop In:

Friday, October 16, 2020 
12:15-1:10 pm 

Access the virtual drop in