Clinical Simulation Program Facilitator Orientation

As a current or future facilitator of simulation-based educational activities at UW Health and UWSMPH, this module has been created to give you a better understanding of the UW Health Clinical Simulation Program (CSP) and a brief overview of the essential components of simulation education. This is meant to be an introduction and is not all encompassing; but will give you a picture of the different capabilities that our group has to offer our UW Health and SMPH communities.

    Intended Audience

    UWSMPH and UW Health practitioners who are going to facilitate simulation educational activities in the UW Health Clinical Simulation Program. Program coordinators will also benefit from this activity, as they work closely with the UW Health Clinical Simulation Program to coordinate the delivery of simulation education. 

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to:

    • Describe the UW Health Clinical Simulation (CSP) space and its capacity
    • Define basics of simulation terminology and best practices related to prebriefing, facilitation and debriefing at the CSP
    • Identify logistical steps necessary to execute simulation education at the CSP
    Course summary
    Registration opens: 
    Course expires: 




    Shannon DiMarco, MSHS, CHSOS
    Operations Director, UW Health Clinical Simulation Program
    University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin


    Ryan Thompson, MD, FACEP, CHSE
    Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
    Medical Director, UW Health Clinical Simulation Program
    President, Wisconsin Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians

    Mark Johanneck, BA, CHSOS
    Simulation Specialist, UW Health Clinical Simulation Program
    University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin

    Erick Przybylski, MSMS, CHSE, CHSOS, CCEMT-P
    Simulation Educator, UW Health Clinical Simulation Program
    University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin

    Gina Tranel, RN, BSN, CHSE, MSMS Candidate
    Simulation Educator, UW Health Clinical Simulation Program
    University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin


    Julie Martinelli
    OCPD Staff
    University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin

    Discloser List CME Internal Report

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