Thank you for completing the training on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). We would like to invite you to complete a post-training evaluation survey. We appreciate your willingness to help us evaluate the effectiveness of the training and its impact on your practice as you address the prevention, identification, and treatment of FASD.

This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept secure and no induvidually identifying information will be included. Risks to participating in this survey are minimal and include the risk of your information becoming known to individuals outside the AAP

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question and you have the right to stop the survey at any time.

Please submit questions to the project partners at [email protected]


How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this course?
How well did this course meet your educational needs?
Will you recommend this course to your colleagues?
Why or why not?
Please offer suggestions for improvement:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Describe the diagnostic criteria and approaches for diagnosis for each condition along the continuum of FASDs, including ARND, ND-PAE, FAS, pFAS, and ARBD.
Distinguish major physical and neurobehavioral features for differential diagnosis of FASDs from other genetic and behavioral disorders as well as relevant comorbidities.
Explain the importance of screening every patient for a history of prenatal alcohol exposure at birth and during their first clinic visit.



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Diagnosis of one of the FASDs may confer a negative stigma to a child and/or his or her family
Diagnosis of one of the FASDs only needs to be considered for certain populations
In your opinion, how much alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy?
Which of the following two statements below best corresponds with your personal viewpoint?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Is more prevalent in women with higher incomes
Is more prevalent in women with higher levels of education
Does not vary between ethnic or racial groups


Not at all confident in my skills A little confident in my skills Moderately Confident in my skills Confident in my skills Completely confident in my skills
Inquire about potential prenatal alcohol exposure for pediatric patients
Identify persons with possible FAS or other prenatal alcohol-related disorders
Diagnose persons with possible FAS or other prenatal alcohol-related disorders
Not willing at all A little willing Moderately Willing Willing Completely Willing
Inquire about potential prenatal alcohol exposure for pediatric patients
Identify persons with possible prenatal alcohol-related disorders
Diagnose persons with possible FAS or other prenatal alcohol-related disorders
If yes, please describe what you plan to do differently in practice and how you will accomplish this change.


If yes, please comment: