Leading In Difficult Times (AAMC)
Explore the AAMC's Toolkit here.
Topics include: Managing Self; Leading Others; Leading Your Organization; Conversations with Leaders: Strategies for Leading In Uncertain Times
Recent Presentations on COVID-19, Quarantine, and Teaching
The Psychological Effects of Quarantine and How to Mitigate Them, Mariah Quinn, MD, MPH
UW-Madison Webinars on Teaching Remotely
We are here to support your efforts as you transition to alternate modes of course delivery. Using the links below, explore a five-part webinar series that addresses key considerations for getting started, strategies and tools to help you communicate with your students, share content, assess their learning, and accomplish key course activities remotely, and how to find which options best meet you and your students’ needs.
The topics are as follows:
Webinar 1 Topic: Communication & Collaboration Strategies
Webinar 2 Topic: Content & Sharing Strategies
Webinar 3 Topic: Assessment & Activities Strategies
Webinar 4 Topic: Access & Accessibility Strategies
Webinar 5 Topic: Course Goals & Storyboarding
For more details about each webinar, visit: instructionalcontinuity.wisc.edu, where you can also find additional guidance and support resources related to instructional continuity.